This is how often each Pokémon type shows up in Gen 1

By: Diana Bravo

If you want to be the very best like no one ever was... Well, you've gotta know all their types!

In Pokémon games, different Types have natural strengths and weaknesses. As a result, it's important to know the types of each member on your competition team, lest you

In the original Generation 1 Pokémon games released in 1998, the developers included a total of 151 Pokémon belonging to 15 different types. These types ranged from the three Pokémon starter types of Water, Grass, and Fire all the way to rarer types like Ghost or Dragon types.

Water and Poison were the most common Pokémon type in Gen 1

a bar chart depicting the most and least popular types of Pokémon in Generation 1: Water (32), Poison (31), Normal (24), Flying (18), Psychic (15), Grass (14), Ground (14), Fire (12), Bug (12), Rock (11), Electric (9), Fighting (9), Ice (5), Dragon (3), Ghost (3)

Pokémon Gen 1 had an abundance of Water, Poison, and Normal Types.

In Pokémon, each of the game's titular Pocket Monsters can have up to two types. As a result, Gen 1 has several dual typed Pokémon.

The majority of Gen 1 Pokémon are dual typed

a pie chart depicting the number of single type Pokémon (63) versus dual type Pokémon (88)

Even though the majority of Gen 1’s Pokémon are dual typed, that doesn’t mean they’re any weaker than their single typed counterparts. A single type Electric Pikachu can defeat a dual typed Water and Ice Lapras if you play your cards right. In the end, whether a player wins or loses a match ultimately boils down to a combination of their Pokémon’s type, their level, and what type and level of Pokemon they’re up against.

So there you go, everything you could possibly ever want to know about how many of each Type exist in Pokemon Gen 1. Now go forth and catch 'em all!